Wildlife at the Castle

The Castle is surrounded by natural woods and water and is a big attractant for incredible wildlife.

We have seen everything from Mountain Lions to tiny orange salamanders

Check back for our latest photos!

July 4, 2013


A hungry bear strolls across the driveway with hopes to join our 4th of July celebration!

June 8, 2013


This unwelcome visitor joined us at dinner time!

June 3, 2013


A baby deer follows its mother across the driveway


A happy turkey.  Outsmarted the hunters again!

April 24, 2013


Various Wildlife Photos

February 8, 2011

The coyotes are back, and they’re hungry.

January, 2011

The coyotes arrive. A deer wandering was caught on camera earlier in the month. Hopefully they don’t meet in our backyard.


January 2010

A buck is caught on camera early in the evening interrupting our supper.